EPS TOPIK Online Lectures

EPS TOPIK Online Lectures in Vietnamese, related to the Employment permit system and to the post employees in South Korea. With this course, you can learn vocabulary, expressions and grammar for which you might face in daily life or in Korean workplace, these courses will improve proffesional conversation skills in Korean Language

EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese (Listening)

EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese (Listening)

EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese Bài giảng luyện thi EPS-TOPIK dành […]

Lessons: 1
Level: 123456
Period: Forever
EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese 1

EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese 1

EPS TOPIK for Vietnamese Bài giảng luyện thi EPS-TOPIK dành […]

Lessons: 1
Level: 123456
Period: Forever
Company Information

㈜도서출판 참 | (152-741) 서울 구로구 디지털로30길 28 마리오타워, 3층 318호 교육장 504호
28, Digital-ro 30-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea, Mario tower 3fl 318, 504 (152-741)
대표이사: 오세형 | 전화: 02-6347-5071 | 팩스: 02-6347-5075 | 사업자등록번호: 108-86-13837
원격평생교육시설 신고 (2023.06.20 서울특별시 남부교육지원청) | 통신판매업신고: 2023-서울구로-1471
개인정보관리책임자: 오세형 | 개인정보 보유기간 : 회원탈퇴시까지 | Mail: [email protected]